How safe is kratom for bodybuilding?

Kratom is widely used by those who want to build their body but there are lot of people who see it suspiciously due to side-effects it can cause. It has to be noted that anything when taken in overdose can cause side effects and same is applicable for kratom. If you take it responsibly it can be extremely safe and can yield great results. However, if you take it in higher dose, it might become a habit for you and can cause serious addiction problems. Thus, all professional bodybuilders and experts never recommend taking it on a daily basis. One can take it once or twice a month or at maximum once a week. This ensures that you don’t make taking kratom a habit.

Health concerns with kratom:
As mentioned above it can bring great results but only when you use it wisely. You aren’t going to experience any kind of health issues until you stay within the recommended limits. If you make it a daily habit or take in high dosage you might develop jerking, muscle aches, irritation, runny nose and even you might have to confront various withdrawal symptoms.

Can you take kratom with other substances?
Experts often recommend to take care not to mix kratom with other simulant substances like coffee, yohimbine, amphetamines or any other drugs which are illegal. These can cause increase in blood pressure or risk of over-stimulation increases. Also one has to take care of not mixing kratom with alcohol, opiates, benzodiazepines or any drugs which can effect nervous system. This is to prevent any occurrence of over-sedation and preventing any respiratory distress.

When you are taking kratom you have to take precaution not to use any kind of MAO inhibitors as they when take along with kratom can cause very severe or serious reactions which can be fatal too. This is because kratom contain monoamne alkaloids which are known to react with MAO inhibitors.

People who have used kratom have seen its effect increasing when taken with other substances like black tea. Few have taken alcohol in small amounts and have seen effects of kratom increasing but again be cautious not to take large quantities of alcohol.  

The big question: Is kratom legal?
Depending on where you live, you may find kratom legal as well as illegal. However if you stay in Europe or USA, it is entirely legal. However if you are resident of Thailand, Australia, Malaysia it is illegal and you might run into huge problem if you are caught possessing that herb.

Where to purchase Kratom?
You can easily purchase kratom online as many merchants sale it online in form of extracts as well as dried leaves. You can also take it in both forms. There are different forms and grades of kratom and you might find cost of different depending on grade as well as quality. However also make sure that you purchase it from a reputable store so that you get high quality kratom only. Also check for refund policy of that site before placing your order.